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Cat body language

If you're a cat lover, you know that our feline friends have a language all their own. From the way they position their tails to the way they stare at us, cats communicate volumes with their bodies. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common cat body language cues and what they mean.

While we can't be sure that cats are communicating with one another through body language, from our observations it seems as if they are. We've noticed that some cats will arch their backs and stick their tails high in the air when they're in an especially happy mood. Others will flatten their bodies to the ground when they're afraid or feel threatened. And still others will stare at us with wide eyes when they want something, such as food or playtime. With so much body language to interpret, we thought it would be helpful to enlist the help of an expert. Dr. Michael W. Fox, is a licensed clinical psychologist who has written several books on cat behavior and psychology. In his book "Cats: Understanding Their Secret World," he explains that cats communicate with one another through what are known as "signals." He states that these signals can take many forms, including body posture and facial expressions.

"Body postures and facial expressions have an important function in communicating feelings and intentions," Dr. Fox says. "For example, when a cat arches its back and stands tall with its tail high, it is sending the signal that it feels very happy and confident." According to Dr. Fox, this particular body language cue is called a friendly signal. Cats also use fearful body language signals to communicate their fear or uneasiness, he explains. When they tuck their tails between their legs and slink away from something or someone, it's a signal that they don't feel comfortable with what's happening.

In addition to body posture and facial expressions, cats also use vocalizations to communicate with one another. You may have heard your cat meowing or purring when it wants something or feels happy. This is a friendly vocalization that can be interpreted as "I like you," Dr. Fox says. Cats will also hiss and growl when they're feeling threatened or anxious. These are aggressive vocalizations meant to scare off predators or would-be attackers.

When you observe your cat using body language, it's interesting to note that cats are communicating with themselves as well as other cats and humans. Dr. Fox explains that when we see a cat standing tall with its tail high in the air and fur fluffed out, for example, we can assume that it feels very confident. This is because the cat is telling itself that everything is okay by saying "I'm okay." Cats use this behavior to tell themselves that they're not afraid and that there's no reason to be alarmed, Dr. Fox says.

It is important for cat owners to understand their cats' body language because it can help us better understand what our pets are feeling and thinking. By paying attention to the way your cat arches its back or tucks its tail between its legs, you may be able to determine if it feels threatened or frightened. You'll also be able to see when your cat wants something, such as food or playtime. By understanding your cat's body language, you'll be able to give it the attention and affection that it needs.

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